Wednesday, July 27, 2011


For the past month or so, after watching a sermon about idols by Mark Driscoll, it’s been pretty obvious for me that I have idols I have in my life.  Of course, as Christians, we probably realize that there’s always something that we seem to put above God. 

I’m thankful that God has shown me what the idols may be, but getting them out is another matter.  I find that when I overcome one idol, another one suddenly comes.  It’ll definitely require a lot of discipline.

“Change won’t happen through ‘trying harder’ but only through encountering the radical grace of God.”
- Tim Keller

Pray that God would reveal Himself, and that I would continue to see Him as more precious than anything else.  That the problem of worshipping other things other than God would not seem appealing.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Serving in CCF Committee

So this Spring term (May-Aug) has been the first term serving on the CCF Committee.  Experience has been good overall. 

It’s a blessing to be able to serve the fellowship as a whole, and be able to be more intimately involved with how the fellowship runs.  Committee meetings have also served as a "mini cell group”; which is good, because I chose not to join a DG this term due to business of serving on Committee as well as doing Outreach.

I’ve also learned some lessons.  I would say that I wasn’t focused enough this term on how I wanted to serve the fellowship and what my purpose was being on Committee.  I felt many times that I was just doing/serving and not motivated on why I was doing what I was doing. For Friday nights, I would either be doing worship or had something I needed to do.  At times, I know I wasn’t worshipping God with my all as I was focused on making sure things would be fine; which is a little ironic. 

So as I serve on Committee for the coming year (2011-12), I definitely want to take some more time before the year starts to gather where God has called me to lead/serve.  I need to continue to seek God’s will onto where my role in the fellowship will be.  I don’t want to get caught up with the “busyness” or the amount of logistics that may need to be accomplished.  I want to have my eyes fixed on Christ, and the mission to which He has called me to.

I’ll be serving as Communications for the coming year.  So as I seek God’s will, and figure out what it would me to be the person who is the “bridge” between Committee and the rest of the fellowship, I would ask for your prayers for wisdom and discipline.